Bellydance doesn’t get more meaningful than this

Bellydance for Joy

This conversation was a massive eye-opener for me.  Both as a bellydance teacher and as a human being.

How can bellydance be life changing? Even life saving?

I asked Charlotte Desorgher about the Bellydance For Joy project she is leading which brings bellydance classes to women who have experienced the terror of violence and abuse.

We touched on some really interesting points and I was surprised by some of the challenges from a teaching point of view.

Just to give you a heads up, we won’t be shying away from the topic today. We’ll be hearing about women who have been through terrifying and traumatic experiences. It’s a tough listen in parts, but well worth hearing about the unexpected ways that bellydance has helped victims of violence and abuse.

The power of bellydance never ceases to amaze me. Do you know of a project or organization that is using bellydance in interesting and healing ways? Feel free to share in the Youtube comments and let us know about it!

Here’s how you can find out more and contribute towards Bellydance For Joy:

Bellydance for victims of abuse, rape and slavery:… Bellydance for Hospices (in memory of Yvette Cowles):…

Find our more about Charlotte:

Company of Dreams website: Facebook:…
Twitter: @companyofdreams Instagram: @companyofdreamsdance

Thank you so much for reading and watching this week’s blog.

Love and shimmies to you,

Helen xx

Ps. Are you ready to get your sparkle on in 2018? Early bird bookings are now open! Visit our classes page to see all our courses and book your place.

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